The heart is an important internal organ. It is a muscular structure which pumps blood through your blood vessels of the circulatory system and is necessary to provide the body with oxygen and nutrients and for removal of metabolic waste.
Your heart is located between your lungs in the middle compartment of your chest and it also needs an adequate supply of blood through coronary arteries (blood vessels of the heart) for its proper functioning. A heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs when there is a sudden complete or partial loss of blood supply to a segment of the heart. The obstruction in blood supply to the heart occurs mostly due to the presence of a blood clot which completely blocks one of the arteries supplying the heart muscles. This can cause damage to the specific segment of the heart. It is a medical emergency and if not attended immediately, it can result in permanent damage of a heart muscle. Cardiovascular diseases result in 272 per 100000 deaths in a year in India.
The reason behind most heart attacks is coronary artery disease. In this disease, a coronary artery is completely blocked, i.e. atherosclerosis occurs due to continuous deposition of plaque in which various substances including cholesterol are present. These plaques rupture and release cholesterol and other substances into the bloodstream and can result in the formation of a blood clot in a coronary artery. A large blood clot can result in ischemia i.e., blockage of a coronary artery and starve the heart muscles of oxygen and nutrients. Blood flow in the coronary artery can also shut down due to spasm of the coronary artery.
Risk factors for heart attack include age, tobacco consumption, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol (bad cholesterol or LDL), obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure and high sugar level), family history of heart attack, stress, use of stimulants or drugs, an autoimmune condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, and history of preeclampsia i.e., high blood pressure during pregnancy. The risk of heart attack is more in men of 45 years of age or older and women of 55 years of age or older
A person experiencing a heart attack can have a wide range of symptoms or warning signs or may present with no symptom at all till the last moment. Chest pain or a sensation of pressure, squeezing or tightness which may be severe or mild can occur and can radiate to the left shoulder. The patient may feel light headed or dizzy, anxious, nauseated and may vomit. Coughing, wheezing and sweating may be other symptoms.
Complications which can occur during a heart attack or after a heart attack are arrhythmias, heart failure, rupture of muscles, walls or valves of the heart and sudden cardiac arrest.Â
Steps For Heart Attack Prevention:
To prevent a heart attack, get yourself regularly screened for cholesterol, cardiac enzymes and other components through blood tests. ECG should immediately be done if any warning sign of heart attack is present. Maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes a healthy diet, right weight, proper exercise, managing stress and abstaining from smoking and alcohol. In case you are suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, take proper medication and try to control your situation through pure herbal supplements.  Â
What is Cholesterol &Â What is the normal cholesterol level?
Cholesterol is an organic molecule, a type of lipid molecule (fat molecule), and biosynthesized by the cells of your body. Your body can also get cholesterol directly from certain foods that you eat such as eggs, meats and dairy products. It is an essential structural component of the membranes of your cells and is necessary for the proper functioning of your cells, to maintain the fluidity of the cell membranes and is required for the formation of vitamin D and some hormones in your body. Cholesterol levels in blood in younger people less than 20 years of age should be less than 170 mg/dL. In people of age 20 years or more, this level can be up to 200 mg/dL.
The problem occurs when the level of cholesterol specifically, bad cholesterol (LDL) rises above the desired level in your blood. This is known as high cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia.
Cholesterol is not soluble in water and is carried in your bloodstream by lipoproteins (molecules made of fat and protein). The two major forms of lipoproteins are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Thus, the two main types of cholesterol in the bloodstream are Low- density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol or ‘bad’ cholesterol and High –density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol or ‘good cholesterol’.
The desired level of LDL cholesterol in the blood is less than 130 mg/ dL. High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to build-up of plaques in your arteries i.e., atherosclerosis. These plaques can rupture and can cause formation of blood clots in arteries.
The desired level of HDL cholesterol in blood is 40 mg/ dL or higher. HDL cholesterol reduces the risk of heart attacks. HDL cholesterol picks up the excess of cholesterol and takes it back to the liver.
Top Reasons for High Bad Cholesterol Level
High Bad cholesterol can be inherited but it is mostly a result of unhealthy lifestyle which include lack of physical activity, increased weight, smoking, diabetes and poor diet including saturated fat, trans fat and food high in cholesterol such as, red meat.
How to Reduce High Cholesterol?
To reduce high cholesterol, you should do following:
- You should eat a diet with low salt content
- Increase daily intake of water
- Include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet to get enough fiber
- Reduce high fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter, red meat or excessive meat consumption, from your diet
- Reduce or eliminate consumption of trans fat
- Smoking and alcohol should be avoided
- Maintain a healthy weight. Check what BMI you should ideally have and work towards it as it is a better way of maintaining weight than simply focusing on the kgs lost.
- Exercise regularly
- Try and take pure herbal medications to control your cholesterol levels.
What does Preserva Wellness offer to reduce high cholesterol and improve heart health?
Preserva Wellness has made Cholestoblast Capsules and Cardigold Juice for your heart health!
Cholestoblast Capsules are made from 95% curcumin, turmeric and black pepper extract. The U.S. National Institute of Health has found that administration of small levels of curcumin in patients of acute coronary syndrome lowers the levels of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in those patients. Studies have revealed that turmeric can prevent production of excess of cholesterol in your liver and block the excessive absorption of cholesterol in your gut. Cholestoblast reduces build-up of cholesterol in arteries, reduce oxidative stress, purifies blood and maintains the right levels of healthy cholesterol and triglycerides.
Along with these, Cardigold Juice is a unique herbal juice by Preserva Wellness and contains aloe vera, beetroot, lemon, hibiscus and 95% curcumin. This juice is a cardiac tonic and is helpful in controlling high blood pressure, reducing oxidative stress, preventing blockage of arteries and managing cholesterol and triglycerides.
Aloe vera manages high blood pressure by dilating the capillaries and improving circulation in your blood vessels. Beetroot is one of the richest sources of nitrates. Nitrates improve heart health, the flow of blood and the ability of patients of heart failure to exercise. Nitrates also dilate the blood vessels, reduce the blood pressure and may reduce overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system that occurs with the heart disease.
Lemon juice is rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. It keeps the blood vessels flexible and free from cholesterol build-up. Potassium and magnesium together regulate the blood pressure. Vitamin C maintains healthy cholesterol levels.
Hibiscus lowers the blood pressure in hypertension. Antioxidants in hibiscus maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Anthocyanins in hibiscus boost the immune system and are anti-inflammatory.
Curcumin is cardio-protective and impacts the genes that influence cardiac repair and cardiac function after a heart attack. It prevents clot formation and building up of plaque. Therefore, it manages the cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Both products are beneficial for your heart in preventing heart diseases. They are preventive as well as curative in nature and should be had by anyone looking to improve their heart health!
Stay Heart Healthy with Preserva Wellness!