Our body needs extra energy and fluids, especially when it is fighting an infection. It is often hard to eat or drink when we are unwell. And when we do not eat or drink enough, our body uses its natural stores of energy, minerals, protein and vitamins which can lead to weight loss or muscles becoming smaller and weaker. Our body needs a well-balanced and nutritious meal to support our immune system and help repair the body’s tissues during recovery. Therefore, it is important we eat and drink more or healthier than we usually would if we were well.
Good and healthy nutrition is crucial for maintaining positive health, particularly when our immune system has been compromised and is in a weaker state after being infected with the deadly virus. Besides, it makes you tired, exhausted and drains out all your physical as well as mental energy. That is why it is still very much important to take good care of yourself even after testing negative. According to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), people who have recently recovered from the viral infection must adhere to a strict diet and healthy lifestyle. This means you will need more energy, proteins, minerals and vitamins to help speed up the recovery process by supporting you in strengthening your immune system and boost stamina and energy.
The virus affects the immune system immensely, so it is important than ever that one must focus on strengthening one’s immune system by consuming as many healthy foods as one can. There are a whole lot of foods to help speed up the recovery process. Additionally, even if you have recently recovered from the virus, continue practising precautions as testing negative does not garner immunity. Here are some healthy diet tips to help speed up your recovery.
1. Increase The Calorie Count
Cutting down on calories might be ideal when it comes to maintaining weight but this may not be the case when recovering from the viral infection. Including a calorie-dense food can help in recuperating the energy and stamina that has been drained from the body during infection. Starchy foods such as potato, yam, sweet potato, etc and whole-grain cereals such as oats, brown rice, wheat, etc can be extremely beneficial for the immune system and also in boosting the body’s energy levels. According to the Americal Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Calories of up to 2000-2500 per day is the recommended amount for people recovering from the viral disease.
2. Include Protein-rich foods
Proteins are a powerhouse of energy and also the building blocks of life. A protein-rich diet can help strengthen immunity, enhance the strength of respiratory muscles and help repair damaged body tissues and muscle loss as well. Additionally, the amino acids present in proteins are essential in protecting the body against harmful pathogens. Foods such as pulses, soy, lentils, legumes, milk & milk products, eggs, fish, chicken, etc are known for their rich protein content and can be extremely helpful in getting the proteins needed. Daily intake of about 75-100 g of protein is recommended to help in speeding up recovery. (NHS)
3. Stock Up On Nutrient-Rich Foods
A sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, dietary fibre and antioxidants are needed to help the body recover properly. Fresh fruits and vegetables especially are an excellent source of nutrients so including them in your daily diet is crucial to help build a strong immune system and fight harmful infections. Fruits such as lemon, oranges, guava, papaya and other citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C which helps form antibodies and speeds up the recovery process. Green leafy vegetables, carrots, etc can also help support a healthy immune system. Studies have suggested that at least 2 cups of fresh fruits and 2.5 cups of vegetables per day is essential for healthy recovery. Also, a daily dose of 15-20 minutes of sunlight is vital for vitamin D.
4. Eat Healthy Fats And Oils
According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, including healthy fats and oils in your diet can help trigger immune responses and help reduce inflammation as well. Olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, canola oil, etc are particularly healthy and essential for maintaining good health. Avoid trans fats found in processed food, junk food, snacks, deep-fried foods and bakery foods as they can be harmful to health.
5. Include Immune Boosting Foods
Certain fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices have considerable immune-boosting properties as they are packed with powerful antioxidants and a bunch of bioactive compounds. There are several types of immunonutrients, such as arginine and glutamine which support both the immune and the digestive system. Curcumin, a potent bioactive compound found in turmeric is known for its immune-boosting properties which can be especially helpful in the recovery process.
Preserva’s Curcumin-enriched Immunoblast Capsules & Immunoblast Juice are specifically designed using potent Ayurvedic ingredients to help boost the immune system against viral infections and improve overall health. They provide an ideal remedy when it comes to protecting against diseases, and are also very much essential in helping speed up recovery from viral infections.
6. Hydration is Key
Viral infection can dehydrate the body due to constant fevers that accompany the infection. Staying hydrated is just as important during infection as well as during recovery. Water or healthy fluids in general help carries nutrients in the blood, regulates body temperature, eliminate waste and help speed up the recovery process. That is why staying hydrated throughout the day is very important. Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily is essential to stay hydrated (Canadian Nutrition Society). Besides regular water, salted lemon water, ORS, healthy soups, herbal teas, etc can be just as effective when it comes to hydrating the body.
Speaking of herbal teas, healthy and refreshing curcumin teas from Preserva, such as Immune Boosting Tea & Daily Boost Tea provides a great way to improve your health while keeping you hydrated throughout the day. The healthy teas are made using some of the finest Ayurvedic herbs & spices that are known for their efficacy when it comes o boosting the immune system and improving respiratory health. What better way to stay hydrated and boost your health at the same time?
7. Limit Your Salt and Sugar Intake
People in recovery are recommended to limit their salt intake to less than 5g per day. Additionally, it is also advised to avoid snacks that are high in salt and sugar. The use of steroids for treating covid-19 also leads to a rise in blood sugar levels. It is advisable to check with your doctor regarding the side effects of the medication you have been using and adjust your salt and sugar intake accordingly.
At the end of the day, remember that the recovery process can take time and do understand that you need to rest enough to recover once you are tested negative. Practising precautions and maintaining a well-balanced and healthy diet, you will be up and about in no time. Rest properly and stay safe.
Disclaimer: This article contains general information and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult with your doctor or healthcare provider if you are experiencing any change in health condition.