With menstruation comes boatloads of complications and discomforts. Besides the mild to heavy blood flow, period pains are among the many dreaded complications that most women have to go through every month with menstruation. It often causes throbbing discomfort around the abdomen, lower back, and thighs —for a period of one to three days each month, which can make a serious dent in their lives. In fact, the pain can be so extreme for some people that it causes nausea, vomiting, headaches and even diarrhoea. Interestingly, period pain or cramps can be so bad and painful that doctors have actually given it a medical name: dysmenorrhea.
The severity of the pain or discomfort, however, differs with every woman -while some may experience very mild cramps, some may not experience it altogether. And others aren’t quite as lucky! Fortunately, there are steps one can take to relieve these discomforts naturally, especially if you are someone who does not like to pop a pill. So here are a few simple yet effective remedies that you can adopt to help you feel better during your next cycle.
- Apply Heat
It is the muscles in the uterus that causes the throbbing pain around the abdomen. Applying heat to your abdomen has been proven to relax these contracting muscles, thereby relieving the pain. This process can also help boost the circulation in your abdomen, which also helps in reducing the pain.
In fact, research published in Evidence-Based Nursing found that a heat patch at 40C was as effective as over-the-counter pain medicine like ibuprofen.
You can use a heating pad, hot towel or hot water bottle for this. Even a hot water bath or sipping hot drinks can also help in reducing the pain.
- Oil Massage
Several studies have suggested that messaging the lower abdomen for about 20 minutes in a circular motion with essential oils can significantly reduce period pain (The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research). Massage therapy has also been known to improve circulation in the abdomen, which is beneficial in relieving period pains.
Essential oils such as lavender oil, clary sage or marjoram oil are known to be beneficial for this. However, make sure that you are using essential oils safely –preferably mixed with carrier oils like coconut oil or jojoba oil. And also make sure you only use high-quality oils that are tested for purity to avoid skin irritation, especially if you are someone with sensitive skin.
- Do Light Exercise
Exercising may be the last thing a woman would feel like doing while stricken with period cramps. However, several studies have suggested exercises to be helpful in reducing period cramps. This is because doing exercises helps release hormones called endorphins, which are our body’s natural pain reliever.
Exercises such as light aerobic, yoga, gentle stretching, cycling or simply going for a walk, are quite effective in reducing discomfort from period cramps.
- Stay Hydrated
Several studies have demonstrated that women who are dehydrated during their period are more likely to experience intense abdominal pain. Drinking enough water helps reduce bloating, which in turn helps reduce period symptoms. Make sure you drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration.
Besides water, herbal teas are also a great way to keep yourself hydrated. Besides, they are also packed with powerful properties which makes them more beneficial. Chamomile tea, fennel tea, peppermint tea, etc are quite effective in providing hydration as well as relieving menstrual cramps. You can check out Preserva’s wide range of Ayurvedic Curcumin Teas that promotes excellent hydration and supports health naturally.
- Avoid Caffeine And Salty Foods
Since we’ve learned that hydration is essential in reducing menstrual cramps, it is extremely important to avoid any kinds of foods and drinks that can have a dehydrating effect during menstruation. Salty, fatty foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, energy drinks, etc can cause water retention, bloating, and discomfort, which can worsen the period pain. Therefore, it is best to avoid these kinds of foods and drinks during your period.
Go for a low-fat, vegetarian diet or a healthy juice and drink that are loaded with antioxidants to nourish your health without having to worry about period cramps.Â
- Try Herbal Supplements
Period cramps are often a result of underlying issues relating to women’s reproductive system. Addressing these underlying issues may be a great way to start dealing with period cramps and discomforts. Herbal remedies have been used to treat a woman’s menstrual pain for ages. Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Chaste berry, Cramp bark are a few herbs that have been used for this purpose. They have also been used extensively for the treatment of irregular cycles, hormonal imbalance, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and PCOD or PCOS in general.
That is why Preserva’s Boosthealth Tablets, a multi-vitamin supplement made specifically and uniquely for women, is the ideal supplement for this. It contains a potent formulation of Curcumin, Satavari and Aswagandha that helps reduces the effects of PCOD and PCOS, maintains hormonal balance, controls PMS and menopausal symptoms, and boosts physical as well as mental health of women.
 The Bottom Line
Period cramps are very common complications that affect most women before and during their period. But there are times when they can interfere and disrupt your daily life. These simple home remedies have been proven to be effective in relieving the pain naturally without having to rely on over-the-counter painkillers that can do damage to your health in the long run. Make sure to incorporate them into your lives so that you may have a more bearable period in your next cycle.
Although menstrual pains are not usually a sign of a serious health condition, there may be situations, however, where they indicate something more serious. And if the pain persists or worsens even after trying these home remedies, make sure you consult with your gynaecologist or healthcare professional to rule out any other health conditions that may be causing your intense discomfort.