Any alteration or interference in the orderly process of genetics or normal gene functions is referred to as cancer. There is an uncontrollable growth of cells that lead to a mass of cells or lump of tissues that is known as a tumour and these cancer cells infiltrate the normal tissue.
There are two types of tumours, the first is malignant or cancerous, that may spread to other body parts and is highly fatal. The second is a benign or localized tumour that doesn’t spread, is non-fatal and can be removed surgically. Myeloma, leukaemia and lymphoma are types of cancer that doesn’t necessarily lead to formation of any tumour growth. Cancer spread when the cells break away from the original mass of cells or tumour, travel through the blood and lymphatic system and penetrate other organs where they repeat uncontrolled growth.
Cancer may be of different types, according to the location or body part such as carcinoma or solid tumours found in prostate, lung, breast and colorectal area. Sarcoma is generally related to the muscles, fats, tendons, joints, nerves, cartilage, lymph vessels, bones and blood vessels. Blood cancer is also called leukaemia and lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system. Cancer is a genetic disease that which affects regulation and growth of cells and division. These abnormal genes may be inherited from parents or may be due to some error linked with DNA, radiation, UV rays, consumption of tobacco or any carcinogenic substance or chemical.
  • Be physically active
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Eat nutrient dense food and include food rich in antioxidants like ginseng, turmeric, berries, citrus     etc.
  • Apply sunscreen every time you go out of the house
  • Get regular examinations like colonoscopy, mammography, prostrate, urine and blood tests
  • Avoid intense sunlight
  • Avoid radiations and UV rays
  • Do not smoke and consume tobacco
  • Get yourself checked regularly if you have a family history of cancer
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