

Infrequent, slow or inadequate bowel movement is known as constipation. Bowel habits differ from person to person and can be from thrice a day to once a day depending on the rate of digestion, food consumed, age, metabolism etc. Constipation is one of the common digestive problems accompanied by bloating and abdominal pain and being unable to empty waste from the stomach. 
A wide range of factors may cause constipation including low consumption of fluids especially water, lack of dietary fiber, being sedentary, certain allopathic medications, using enemas and laxatives, poor lifestyle, celiac disease, tumours, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, colon polyps, stroke, stress and others. 
It is not a disease, but a symptom that may be due to any minor or major ailment and can occur at any age in anyone. Irregular bowel movement or constipation may cause anal fissure, haemorrhoids, straining, hard stools, pain and incomplete emptying of the bowel if not treated timely and it may get chronic and tough to cure. It can also lead to bleeding piles which may require surgery. Being regular with daily exercises and increasing the amount of fiber and liquids are some easy approaches to get relief from constipation and to prevent it.
  • Eat a fiber rich diet
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Follow an active lifestyle
  • Use supplements rich in fibre such as aloe vera, guava, mulberry and turmeric for its anti-inflammatory effect on the intestines
  • Include pro-biotics in your diet
  • Use a stool softener or laxative if required but remember all allopathic medicines have side effects
  • Don’t use excess laxatives as they cause dependency
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and excess coffee
  • Avoid processed food
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