Dermatitis is a general term to describe several types of skin irritations and rashes that may be caused by allergies, infections, irritating substances, genetics, an overactive immune system, and more. It is a common condition that is usually characterized by dry, red, swollen or itchy skin. However, a more serious condition may result in oozing skin blister, crusty scales, painful cracks or flake off.
Fortunately, dermatitis is not contagious, but it can, however, make a person feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Certain types of dermatitis can last a long time, while others may flare up, depending on the season, what you’re exposed to, or stress. The most common ones include atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.
- Dry skin.
- Itching
- Rashes that look and/or feel like a burn.
- Thickening, hardening and swelling skin.
- Crusting, scaling and creasing skin.
- Painful ulcers.
- Moisturize your skin regularly (especially after a shower).
- Use soap or cleanser that is unscented
- Use lukewarm water instead of hot for bathing
- Keep your space at a cool temperature and avoid high humidity.
- Consult with an expert.
- Avoid stressing out
- Take no more than one bath or shower per day.
Avoid scratching the affected area as you can open or reopen wounds and spread the infection.