

A collection of swollen blood vessels or inflamed tissues around the anus and rectum are known as piles or haemorrhoids. The vascular structure or network of veins around the anus works like a cushion that gets inflamed followed by bleeding or mucus discharge during passing of stool.
Common symptoms of piles are swelling, redness, itching, discomfort, soreness, bleeding and pain. It causes pain and bleeding for a long time. It is also known as haemorrhoids and may occur in anyone but is most common in old age. Piles can also occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and additional pressure in the anus region. Piles may be of two types external and the internal. Internal piles are located about 4 cm above the anus opening and external piles are found on the outer surface of the anus. Piles can be from grade 1 which is the mildest form to grade 4 which is very sever and hangs out of the anus. His kind requires medical attention and long-term treatment.
Some common causes of piles are: straining hard during stool passing, family history, continuous sedentary job, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhoea, obesity, lack of physical activity, low fiber diet and lifting heavy weights.
Moderate piles can be treated by natural supplements, over the counter medications and creams. Certain cases may require medical intervention and surgery. To prevent and supress piles, a person has to exercise regularly, eat a fiber rich diet, drink plenty of water, avoid over straining during bowel movement, avoid some oral allopathic medications and ease discomfort by applying soothing creams, local anaesthetics, suppositories or ointments which are recommended by your physician.
  • Eat slowly and chew food properly
  • Consume a fiber rich diet
  • Seek a physician’s advice
  • Drink 3-4 litres of water a day
  • Exercise regularly
  • Reduce weight if you are overweight
  • Use natural supplements rich in fibre
  • Don’t strain during stools
  • Avoid spicy and low fiber diet
  • Do not lift heavy objects
  • Do not get dependent on laxatives or enemas, seek an alternate way of managing piles
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